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Practicing Yoga

of Daring Gray


Who Are We?

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Daring Gray Founder & CEO


I like to hike hills and forests and recently joined a climbing gym. In my life I've danced, kayaked and mostly been up for anything fun. Aiming for the longest trail option, the driest sand, the slight challenge, has kept me young. My diet starts with chocolate and builds in enough lean protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables for balance.



born 1960

I used to run but it had been a couple years. 3 weeks of Assisted Stretch sessions had me to my full height, my back straight, 12" further reach toward my toes and a Felt Like Running!!

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Smiling Businessman




I used to run but it had been a couple years. 3 weeks of Assisted Stretch sessions had me to my full height, my back straight, 12" further reach toward my toes and a Felt Like Running!!

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Daring Gray Los Gatos
15405 Los Gatos Blvd. #101
Los Gatos, CA 95032
(408) 655-1433

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